MARTIN PAPERS. Vol. LXII. Miscellaneous printed pamphlets, and MS. notes by Sir Thomas Byam Martin, for the most part relating to the Seamen Enlistment Act of 1835. Paper; ff. 77. Small folio.Admiral of the Fleet Sir Thomas Byam Martin: Letters and p... Unspecified


MARTIN PAPERS. Vol. LXII. Miscellaneous printed pamphlets, and MS. notes by Sir Thomas Byam Martin, for the most part relating to the Seamen Enlistment Act of 1835. Paper; ff. 77. Small folio.Admiral of the Fleet Sir Thomas Byam Martin: Letters and p... Unspecified

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SNAC Resource ID: 6591629

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Martin, Thomas Byam, Sir (person)

Epithet: Admiral of the Fleet British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000560.0x00038d ...